Secure Location-Aware Authentication and Communication for Intelligent Transportation Systems

Published in arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.08936, 2020

Citation: Nima Shoghi Ghalehshahi, Ramyad Hadidi, Lee Jaewon, Jun Chen, Arthur Siqueria, Rahul Rajan, Shaan Dhawan, Pooya Shoghi Ghalehshahi, Hyesoon Kim, arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.08936, 2020

This research presents a novel authentication protocol for intelligent transportation systems that leverages visual localization techniques to enable secure and efficient communication among autonomous agents. By using visual authentication beacons, such as QR codes, the protocol allows receiving agents to verify the authenticity and integrity of messages while simultaneously localizing the sender, eliminating the need for additional computational costs associated with post-message-delivery localization.

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