Posts by Collection



Slam performance on embedded robots

Nima Shoghi Ghalehshahi, Ramyad Hadidi, Hyesoon Kim

Published in Student Research Competition at Embedded System Week (SRC ESWEEK), 2019

Demonstrated the feasibility of running ORB-SLAM2 in real-time on the Raspberry Pi 3B+ for embedded robots through optimizations that achieved a 5x speedup with minor impact on accuracy.

Neural network weight compression with nnw-bdi

Andrei Bersatti, Nima Shoghi Ghalehshahi, Hyesoon Kim

Published in Unknown, 2020

Developed NNW-BDI, a neural network weight compression scheme that reduces memory usage by up to 85% without sacrificing inference accuracy on an MNIST classification task.

Secure Location-Aware Authentication and Communication for Intelligent Transportation Systems

Nima Shoghi Ghalehshahi, Ramyad Hadidi, Lee Jaewon, Jun Chen, Arthur Siqueria, Rahul Rajan, Shaan Dhawan, Pooya Shoghi Ghalehshahi, Hyesoon Kim

Published in arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.08936, 2020

Developed a scalable, infrastructure-independent, location-aware authentication protocol for intelligent transportation systems, providing trustworthy communication and efficient sender localization using visual authentication beacons.

Understanding the software and hardware stacks of a general-purpose cognitive drone

Sam Jijina, Adriana Amyette, Nima Shoghi, Ramyad Hadidi, Hyesoon Kim

Published in 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS), 2020

Conducted an in-depth analysis of the hardware and software components of autonomous drones, characterizing the performance of the ArduCopter flight stack and providing insights to optimize flight controllers and increase drone range.

Quantifying the design-space tradeoffs in autonomous drones

Ramyad Hadidi, Bahar Asgari, Sam Jijina, Adriana Amyette, Nima Shoghi, Hyesoon Kim

Published in Unknown, 2021

Formalized the subsystems of autonomous drones and quantified the complex tradeoffs in their design space to enable optimized solutions for diverse applications.

SmaQ: Smart quantization for DNN training by exploiting value clustering

Nima Shoghi, Andrei Bersatti, Moinuddin Qureshi, Hyesoon Kim

Published in IEEE Computer Architecture Letters, 2021

Introduced SmaQ, a quantization scheme that leverages the normal distribution of neural network data structures to efficiently quantize them, addressing the memory bottleneck in single-machine training of deep networks.

Context-Aware Task Handling in Resource-Constrained Robots with Virtualization

Ramyad Hadidi, Nima Shoghi Ghaleshahi, Bahar Asgari, Hyesoon Kim

Published in 2023 IEEE International Conference on Edge Computing and Communications (EDGE), 2023

Developed a context-aware task handling technique for resource-constrained mobile robots, enabling concurrent execution of critical tasks with improved real-time performance.

The Open Catalyst 2022 (OC22) dataset and challenges for oxide electrocatalysts

Richard Tran, Janice Lan, Muhammed Shuaibi, Brandon M Wood, Siddharth Goyal, Abhishek Das, Javier Heras-Domingo, Adeesh Kolluru, Ammar Rizvi, Nima Shoghi, Anuroop Sriram, Félix Therrien, Jehad Abed, Oleksandr Voznyy, Edward H Sargent, Zachary Ulissi, C Lawrence Zitnick

Published in ACS Catalysis, 2023

Developed the Open Catalyst 2022 (OC22) dataset, consisting of 62,331 DFT relaxations, to accelerate machine learning for oxide electrocatalysts and establish benchmarks for the field.

Distribution Learning for Molecular Regression

Nima Shoghi, Pooya Shoghi, Anuroop Sriram, Abhishek Das

Published in arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.20475, 2024

Developed Distributional Mixture of Experts (DMoE), a robust method for molecular property regression that outperforms baselines on multiple datasets and architectures.

From molecules to materials: Pre-training large generalizable models for atomic property prediction

Nima Shoghi, Adeesh Kolluru, John R Kitchin, Zachary W Ulissi, C Lawrence Zitnick, Brandon M Wood

Published in International Conference on Learning Representations, 2024

Developed Joint Multi-domain Pre-training (JMP), a supervised pre-training strategy that leverages diverse data to advance atomic property prediction across chemical domains, achieving state-of-the-art performance on 34 out of 40 downstream tasks.


Attention is All You Need: The Transformer Architecture


This talk presents the seminal Transformer paper by Vaswani et al. (2017) and discusses its impact on the field of natural language processing. The Transformer architecture has revolutionized the field by introducing self-attention mechanisms that can model long-range dependencies in sequences, enabling parallelization and scalability in training.

Legal Text Summarization Using Transformer Models


This talk presents our work on a transformer-based encoder-decoder architecture for abstractive legal text summarization. Combines PEGASUS’ (from Zhang et al. 2020) pre-training objective with Longformer’s (from Beltagy et al. 2020) dilated attention mechanism to create a model that can handle extremely long input sequences to generate summaries of legal documents. Achieves state-of-the-art summarization performance on the BIGPATENT dataset.

SmaQ: Smart Quantization for DNN Training by Exploiting Value Clustering


This talk introduces the Smart Quantization (SmaQ) technique for DNN training. SmaQ is a novel quantization which exploits the observed (normally distributed) value clustering in DNNs to quantize neural network weight, gradient, feature map, gradient map, and optimizer state values. SmaQ is able to reduce memory usage during training by up to 6.7x with no loss in accuracy.

Unlocking the Potential of Pre-training for Accelerated Discovery in Chemistry


This talk explores the potential of pre-training methods to accelerate discovery in chemistry by learning general-purpose representations from large, diverse datasets. Building upon the speaker’s previous work on Joint Multi-domain Pre-training (JMP), which achieved state-of-the-art performance on a wide range of atomistic prediction tasks, the talk dives into key challenges and opportunities such as handling vast chemical space with limited data, developing pre-training objectives that leverage abundant simulation data, and scaling models to billions of parameters.

Unlocking the Potential of Pre-training for Accelerated Discovery in Chemistry


This talk explores the potential of pre-training methods to accelerate discovery in chemistry by learning general-purpose representations from large, diverse datasets. Building upon the speaker’s previous work on Joint Multi-domain Pre-training (JMP), which achieved state-of-the-art performance on a wide range of atomistic prediction tasks, the talk dives into key challenges and opportunities such as handling vast chemical space with limited data, developing pre-training objectives that leverage abundant simulation data, and scaling models to billions of parameters.
